Complete RankMath Tutorial | SEO Tutorial 📈 2024

today we’re going to see how you can transform your website from being unnoticed on Google to ranking high in the search results let’s face it if you’re just starting out and struggling to be seen on Google then it’s time to level up with some SEO say you have Cool website but when you search for it on Google it’s nowhere to be seen well that’s because your website hasn’t been indexed by Google or optimized for SEO yet without that no one can find your website but don’t

worry in this video I’ll guide you through the essential SEO strategies to boost your website’s visibility and get it noticed by Google’s algorithm we’ll cover everything from nailing the right keywords to handling technical optimization like a pro and the best part we’ll be using a super cool tool that’ll make everything effortless rank man with this plugin you will have SEO power in your hand so you can rank higher and attract more organic traffic and turn your sales to the next level so

without any more delays let’s Dive Right In [Music] to begin with let’s download and install the rankmath plugin to do that just click the link below this video and it will take you to the rankmath website now click on the download button click here and sign up with your Google account now click on the download button and the rankmath plugin will be downloaded to your computer next let’s install this plugin on our website so go to your website and type SL login after your s’s address here enter the username and

password and log into your WordPress dashboard now go to plugins and click add new now click upload plugin now drag the plugin and drop it here and click install so now you successfully downloaded and install the plugin once you’re done click activate and it will take you to this page here click connect your account and log on to rankmath using any of these options I’m going to use my Google account once you’ve logged in we need to activate the rankmath plug-in so let’s click activate now and the plug-in will

be active on your website okay next we need to set up the rank path plugin on our website so let’s click Start wizard here you can see we have the import option but for now we’ll skip this here you need to fill in your website details so first choose the type of website you own I’m going to select Business website next select the business type that best suits your site and you can add a logo for Google this logo will appear here when your site ranks on Google to add your logo just click here then drag and drop your logo and

click save and continue next It’ll ask you to connect your Google account but we’ll handle that later in the video so let’s skip this step and here click save and continue again click save and continue and done great we have now successfully set up the rank path plugin on our website and it’s all ready to use after You’ set up rankmath let’s check the SEO score of our website before we dive into mization to do that go to your dashboard click SEO analyzer then click Start SEO analyzer now rank W will analyze your

entire website and generate an overall SEO score as you can see our site scores 69 out of 100 not bad but there’s always room for improvement rank path also gives a detailed review highlighting each and every step to enhance your SEO score and optimize your site effectively before we proceed with the suggestions let’s do some basic settings on our website which can be the first step towards Su optimization so let’s go to settings click General now make sure you have a tag line for your website or you can add it

here and save the changes next up we need to fix our Perma link so let’s go to Perma link as you can see by default it is set as plain let’s change it to post name then save the changes now that we’ve done the basic settings on our website next let’s see how you can improve your site’s SEO score by following rank math suggestions optimizing the website involves two different SEO strategies one of which is onpage seo onpage seo is the process of optimizing individual pages on your website to improve their visibility and

relevance to the search engines by using the right keywords in your content title and descriptions search engines can easily understand understand what your website is about and show it in the search results when people search for those keywords on page SEO is essential for attracting organic traffic and ensuring your website appears prominently in the search engine results first we’ll start optimizing our website pages so just go to Pages I’m going to first optimize my homepage now if you’re using element of

page build on your site it’ll be more easier for you so let’s click edit to the Elementor and here you’ll find a new tab called SEO just go to the tab the rank math analyzes how well your content is optimized for SEO and gives you a score out of 100 as you can see our homepage gets a score of 20 which is not a decent score an ideal score would be somewhere around 80 or higher now how do you increase the score no worries rank B has got our back with some great suggestions to help us get a better score let’s see

them one by one the first important thing is the focus keyw word the focus keyw word is a term for which you want to rank the search engine results now click here and enter the term for which you want to rank in this page but instead of just randomly picking a keyword it is always better to check which keyword is ranking well so you can use an online tool called man goals to see which keywords are doing great just click the link below this video and it will take you to the manang goals website click here and create your

account and click find keywords here enter the choosen keyword and click find keywords now you’ll get the information about the particular keyword it’s difficulty and search volume and it will also show you related keywords that are easy to rank and have high search volume now here’s the key choose the keyword with low keybo difficulty and high search volume so there’ll be a lot of chances for the keyboard to get ranked in the search results as you can see the keyboard we chose has a better search

volume and lesser difficulty already so I’m going to use this keyword itself on my homeage page so let’s go back to our website enter the focus keyboard here and once you have added it next let’s work on the other suggestions as you can see rankmath says the focus keyword does not appear in the page title to change the title let’s click edit snippet now you will get a preview of your page like this and this is how your homepage will look on the Google search results let’s rewrite a title and make sure you add the focus

keyword at the beginning of the title and include it in the descriptions as well soon after you fix the suggestions you will get a green tick over here and the page score will gradually increase as you make the changes now coming to the next suggestion we need to use the focus keyword in our page content let me just go and rewrite the content of the homepage and in this way you can fix all the basic suggestions given by rankmath on this page if you have any doubts about the suggestions click the question mark to learn more about them once

you’re done with the basic SEO let’s move on to the additional suggestions now adding alternate text to your website images is an important step in optimizing your content as this will enhance the user experience and also boost the image search rankings as well so just click on any image and open it here you’ll find the alternate text option so just enter the focus keyword and click select then update it here okay to the final stretch we also need to add some internal links to our content let’s do that let me find the

perfect spot for it and here we go I’m going to link my blog page here so let’s go there copy it link go here select any text and add the link and it’s done once you have fixed all the suggestions you can see that we have reached a score of 90 this is a pretty good one so let’s update the page and in the same way make changes to all the other Pages by following rank math suggestions and improve its score to rank better in the Google search results order to optimize the content for all our Pages next up you need to optimize

the content for your blog post since it is the most viewed page on our website it is important to S you optimize our blog post so let’s go back to our dashboard then go to posts now if you’re someone who’s not using Elementor to build your website you can use rank M from your default WordPress Editor to do that click edit on the post which you want to optimize here you can view the rank mat score for your blog post now to view the rank mat suggestions just click on it and you can see the suggestions given

for this particular blog just as we did for our homepage we need to add a focus keyword and modify our blog content now optimizing the blog with the focus keyword needs a lot of work and it’ll be a hassle to make it simpler I’ve got an online tool that can easily rewrite the blog with the focus keyword and increase the SEO score instantly without having to do anything so just click the link below this video and it’ll take you to gravity.

com now all you need to do is add your existing blog content so let’s copy the content paste it then enter your focus keyword and if you click create content you can see that your SE optimized blog is ready in seconds also you can see it has given us a proper title for the blog let’s go back to our blog first let’s add the focus keyword to this page here and once you add it let’s go back to gravity WR copy the title and paste it on our blog next let’s add the article here just go back copy the article and paste it here here as you

can see it was just a matter of seconds and here we are with a completely optimized block also check up the suggestions most of them are showing us the green signal well well let’s fix the other suggestions that need manual input let’s begin with adding the focus keyword to The Meta description so let’s click edit snippet and make the desired changes you can also change the Perma link from here and update it with the current block title Next Step let’s add images to our blog now make sure you add the alternate

text while uploading the image once done let’s add some external and internal links to the blog the links you add on pages build trust among people that your content is credible which can improve your ranking on Google so let’s add it also you can add internal links which can improve the website navigation and increase your user experience and don’t forget the table of contents adding them to your blog makes it easier for the user to access the content and helps in increasing your SEO score to add the table of contents click

the plus icon then select the table of contents option and it’ll be added in seconds okay once you’re done you can see that the score has increased now last but not least there’s one amazing thing that you can do to your blog which is to add an FAQ section now when you search for something on Google you will find snippet pops like these with search relevant questions and the answers this makes it easier for your visitors to quickly get the answers at the same time it opens a high chance for them to read

the blog so adding FAQs to your post gives you a much better chance of ranking higher on Google rankmath has an easy option to add FAQs just click the plus icon and select it now just add the questions along with the answers here and once done click update now we have optimized our blog and the score is more than 90 so let’s go and check out how this blog looks on our site click here to view the post and here you go the table of contents have been added making it easier for visitors to navigate through necessary content

only and here we have our fq section so now you sucessfully optimized a Blog using rankmath in the same way you can optimize all the other blogs on your website once you done optimizing your entire website let’s analyze the SEO score again so let’s go back to our dashboard go to rankmath and click SEO analyzer as you can see here we have a current score of 71 now let’s click restart perfect we have an overall score of 91 which is great and this is how you can optimize your content for better ranking also let me tell you some

interesting news rankmath has got an amazing feature called content AI with this feature you don’t need to struggle anymore to find the relevant Focus keywords or search for the FAQs on the internet for your blogs this offers recommendations especially fitted for your content whether it’s a Blog a product content a landing page or anything else to use this feature go to the rank M dashboard and you will find content AI in the modules list you can click here to activate the moduel click on settings here select the

country and save the changes now let’s open any blog post on your website here enter the focus keyword for this blog post and click content AI now you will find the detail analysis of the keyword and content AI will guide you on how many words to a for in the link count and it will specify how many internal and external links to be used in the URL sest positions The Heading count this count will tell you the number of headings you should have in your text media account tells you the number of images and videos you should have on

your content and down below you will find the keyword suggestions and it also helps you with the FAQ questions and the links to be used in your content so just make use of this feature to increase the chance of ranking on Google but wait in the free version of rankmath you get only five credits that is you can use this feature only up to five times however if you wish to exceed that limit you’ll need to upgrade to their pro version rackm also offers an option to get this content AI alone separately you can check out the

links given in the description below to know more about this not just this rankmath Pro offers additional fantastic features that can assist you in improving your Google ranking let’s check them out with the pro version you get more options to check out your website’s performance such as the keywords which are performing well and which keywords need a lot of improvements also you can check out your sides traffic right from your dashboard itself and you can have a look at all your keywords your website is ranking


for and you can track your Sid’s position using the rank tracker functionality so to make use of all these amazing features just click the link below this video get the rankmath pro version and start optimizing your content with ease okay so now we have successfully completed our content optimization but to make your website rank on Google it’s not just enough you should also need to take care of the technical optimization like connecting your website to Google search console and Google analytics doing these along

with the content optimization increases the chances of your website appearing prominently in the Google search results you know what you don’t have to do any of these manually rank math will take care of it and it will automatically create and verify a search console property for your website all you have to do is just go back to the plug-in dashboard here ensure that the anal antic module of rankmath is enabled and if it’s not enabled already then you can enable the analytics module like this once done go to general settings and

click analytics here if you haven’t already connected your website with Google account you will be prompted to connect with the Google account click connect Google services button now select access for the permissions that rank math has requested and then choose continue no our website will be connected to a Google account so you will also be redirected back to the analytics settings now in the Sear console option du fan rankmath has already created a property for your website now scroll down to the bottom of

the page and click save changes that’s it we have successfully connected our website to the Google search console so let’s see how you can set up a Google search console Google search console is a free tool it helps you Monitor and manage how your website appears in the Google search results it provides you valuable insights and information about your website’s performance in the Google searches this allows you to understand how your users find and interact with your site so to set it up open a new

tab Now search for Google search console and click Start now here enter your website’s URL so just copy the URL paste it here and click continue and as you can see our ownership has been verified and if you click here you can see that our website has been added to the Google search console the next important step you need to do is submit a site map to Google sitemap is a page that has the links of all your pages and posts that you have on your website Google uses this sitemap to find the relevant Pages while searching once Google has your sit

map it can crawl through your website and understand its structure better so to submit the sit map just go back to your WordPress dashboard go to rankmath and click sitemap settings copy the the URL from here then go to the search console click on sit Maps paste the sit map URL here and click submit once you submit the site map after some time you can see that the status have been changed to success this means our site has been successfully submitted to Google you can also check that from your dashboard so let’s go here and click

this link here you can see that our site links have been neatly organized based on the posts pages and categories so let’s open the pages URL and here you’ll find the URLs of all your web pages so now we have successfully submitted the site map to Google now just wait for a week and your website will be visible on Google let’s open a new tab and type your websitename.

com and you can see all your website content is visible now so that’s it guys we reached the end of the complete tutorial on rankmath SEO

2 thoughts on “Complete RankMath Tutorial | SEO Tutorial 📈 2024”

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  2. Pingback: How to Rank Your Website on Google - WordPress SEO For Beginners - INSPIRING TECH

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