How to Make a Professional Thumbnail for YouTube Videos (in Just 3 Steps)

 we are going to see how you can create a thumbnail for your youtube video now when you upload videos to youtube it gives you these default thumbnails which are automatically taken from your video now these thumbnails generally don’t look that attractive which means you get lesser clicks and less views on your videos so having a good custom thumbnail for your video is very important to getting more views on youtube so in this video we’re going to see how you can create attractive custom thumbnails like these for your

so a good thumbnail like this will help you stand out from your competitors this will help you get more clicks and views on your videos okay it’s going to be very easy and you don’t need to have any special software on your computer for creating these thumbnails so let’s get started to create our thumbnail we’re going to do three steps the first step is to create an account on canva this is the website which is going to help us create our thumbnail so to create your account just click the

link below this video and it will take you to this page now here you can sign up with one of these options i’m going to sign up with my google account so let’s click on sign up with google and select your account and it will take you to this page so now we have successfully created our account on canva once you have created your account we can go to step 2 which is to choose a design for your thumbnail so to choose a design just search for youtube thumbnail and then click here and here you will find lots of designs

for your thumbnail so take a look at these designs and select the one you like now let’s say you like this design just select it and as you can see we can now edit this design so once you have selected your design we can go to the final step which is to edit this design and make your own thumbnail so to edit the design first let’s change the background of this thumbnail to suit our video so to change the background image just click photos and then here search for the background you want now let’s say your youtube video is

about music just search for it and you will get different backgrounds related to music so in the same way you can search for any image you want i’m going to search for a white background now if you want to add this background to your image just drag it and then drop it in this corner and as you can see our background has been changed now once you have changed the background next let’s change the color of this text so let’s select it and then go here and from here choose any color you want i’m going to choose this one

and as you can see our text color has been changed now let’s change this text to the one we want so let’s select it and then enter the text you want i’m going to enter the title of my video which is top 5 smartphones in india now you can also change this text in the same way and then resize it okay so once this is done next let’s add our logo here if you don’t have a logo you can learn how to create it by watching this video okay so to add our logo let’s click here and then press delete then drag and drop your logo here

and as you can see our logo has been added next finally to make your thumbnail more unique and attractive you can also add a picture of yourself in the thumbnail like this which will grab your viewers attention and let them know that it’s your video so just take a picture of yourself with any pose you want then once you have this image we can now add it to our thumbnail now before we add it to our thumbnail first we need to remove the background from this image so that instead of adding the image like this we can add our image on our thumbnail

like this so to remove the background image let’s open a new tab and then go to and press enter now drag and drop your image here and as you can see our background has been removed so let’s click download and now here we have got our image without the background so now to add this image to our thumbnail let’s go back here and then drag this image and drop it here and as you can see our image has been added

and now we’re done so this is how you can create a thumbnail for your youtube video next let’s go to the bonus part of this video where we see how you can add a graphic like this to your thumbnail now let’s say you want to add an icon like this to your thumbnail just go to elements and then search for the graphic you want i’m going to search for android and as you can see we’ve got different images related to android now select the image you want and then drag it where you want to place it and as you can see our image has been

added okay so now we’ve successfully completed creating our thumbnail once you have created your thumbnail next let’s see how you can download your thumbnail so to download it just click download then click here and you will find different formats in which you can download your thumbnail for youtube thumbnails it’s best to select png so i’m going to select this and then click download and as you can see we have now got our final thumbnail for our youtube video so now if we open it you can see that we’ve got the thumbnail


which we just created so now you can go ahead and add the thumbnail to your video once you have added the thumbnail this is how it will look on your video okay so that’s it guys this is how you can create a thumbnail for your youtube videos now if you want to learn how to create a professional website like this you can watch this video and if you want to learn how to earn money through affiliate marketing you can watch this video also make sure you click this subscribe button to see more videos from us thanks for watching i’ll see you in the

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