How To Make A Real Estate Website With WordPress (in just 20 min)

Today we’re going to see how you can create a real estate website using wordpress Let’s say you own a real estate business, And you want to create a website where you can add your properties, And your visitors can buy or rent the properties, right from your website. You can do that by watching this video, So after watching this video, you’ll be able to create a real estate website like this, And when a visitor visits your site, They can select a location and the type of property they want, And you can display your properties

like this. Now if the visitor selects any property, They can see the images, and all the details about the property. Now if the visitor is interested to buy or rent this property, They can send you a message by filling up this form, Once they click send, You’ll receive their message in your inbox like this. And you’ll have their contact details here.


So you can directly connect with them and provide details about the property Finally, we will also see how you can easily customize your site to any style you want, Just by using drag and drop, Okay! So having a real estate website will make your business look professional, And you can make the buying process quick and easy for your customers.


So let’s get started, I am bryan from website learners And let’s start creating our real estate website Now to create our real estate website We’re going to do 3 parts The first part is to launch your website Now this is where you get a new website live on the internet, So to launch your website, Just click the link below this video And it will take you to makeyourwp.


com Now, this is the website which is going to help us launch our real estate website. Now to launch your website Just scroll down And here you will find the real estate website Now to see how this site looks Just click ‘Demo’ And here you can see the complete real estate website, that we’re going to launch Now if we go to properties You can see all the default properties that are listed in this demo site Now to get this real estate website.


Just click ‘launch site’ And then enter your details, And click ‘next’ Now, enter your payment details And click sign up now And now we have successfully purchased the website Now to launch our site, Let’s scroll down click “launch new site” And now it will take you to this page. Now here, Enter the website address that you want.


I’m going to enter ‘speedymakers’ And as you can see, our real estate website has already been selected! Now, once you have entered your URL, Let’s click ‘launch new site’ And as you can see! Our brand new website has been launched So Now if you click ‘visit’, You can see that we have got the exact site that we saw on the link that we selected! Now this is just a temporary link for your site You can easily change this to your own .com domain.


We’ll see how you can do that later in this video. Okay! So once you’ve launched your site, Next let’s go to part 2 of this video, where we see how you can add your own properties to this site. Now if we go to our site And click ‘properties’ You can see that we have these sample properties here Now, how do you add your own property? So to add your (own) property We’re going to do 3 steps, The first step is to login to the admin area of our website So to login to the admin area All you have to do is Just go back to makeyourwp


And then click admin. And as you can see, we’re now logged in to WordPress. This is the wordpress dashboard, where you can control your site. Now, once you’ve logged in, Next let’s go to step 2, which is to delete these sample properties so to do that Let’s go to our wordpress dashboard Now go here And click ‘properties’ Now here you can see all the sample properties which we have on our site So to delete it Just click here to select all And then click here And select move to trash Now if you click ‘apply’ You can see that


we have now deleted all the sample properties. Now if you go back to your site And click ‘refresh’ You can see that we have the blank page Which means you can now add your property Once you have deleted all the sample properties Next let’s go to the final step, which is to add your property So to add your property Let’s go back to our properties page And click ‘Add new property’ Now to add a new property All you have to do is Just enter your property name And here you can add a description about your property Now let’s fill up the details about our property


Once you’ve entered all the details Next, let’s add the property address So to add that Click ‘property settings’ Now here enter the address of your property I am going to enter that Once you’ve done that select yes here Now to add images of your property click ‘media’ And then click add media Now drag and drop the images you want here And the images will be added Next, let’s add more details to our property First, let’s add the type of our property So Just click here And click ‘add new’ type Now enter your house type here


I am going to enter ‘duplex’ Then click ‘Add new’ And then Select your property status here I am going to select this Now if you want to add some features of your property Just click here click ‘add new feature’ And enter the feature you have on your property I am going to enter ‘Garden’ then click ‘Add new’ Now in the same way you can add other details like the state, city, and area of your property Okay! Next, let’s see how you can add a featured image for your property This is the main image which will appear on your site


like this So to add the image Just click ‘featured image’ Then click here Now drag and drop an image from your computer As you can see the image has been added Once you’ve added all the details Click ‘publish’ Then again click ‘publish’ Now if we go back to our site And click ‘refresh’ You can see that we have got the property which we just added.


And now if we click on it You can see all the details, which we have entered So we have now successfully added the property to our site. Now in the same way you can add multiple properties you want. Okay! Now here you can see that we have the property price in Euros Instead of having this currency, if you want to have a different currency You can change the currency from your wordpress dashboard.


So Next let’s see how you can change this currency To change the currency Let’s go back to our dashboard Then go to themes options And click ‘price & currency’ Now here you need to enter the currency in which you want to sell your properties As I want to change this currency to dollars I am going to enter that Once you’re done Click ‘save’ Now if we go back to our site And click ‘refresh’ You can see that the currency has been changed Now if you want to add different currency All you need to do is


Just open a new tab And search for the currency symbol you want I am going to search for the rupee symbol Now to change the currency Just copy this symbol and paste it here Now in the same way you can change any currency you want. Okay! So we have now successfully created our real estate website Next, let’s see how a customer can book this property on your site So to book this property All they have to do is Just fill up these details Now click here and select the user type They can select the option they want I am going to select ‘buyer’


Once you’ve entered all the details Click ‘send message’ As you can see the email has been sent successfully. Now an email will be sent to the site admin. Now if we go to our inbox You can see that we have received an email So let’s open it Here you can see the details of the booking, Now using these details you can directly contact your customer via online.


So this is how your customer can book a property on your site. Okay! Next, let’s go to part 3 of creating a real estate website, which is to edit the contents of your website So to edit any page of your site You just have to go into that page And click ‘Edit with Elementor’ So let’s say you want to edit the homepage, Just simply click ‘home’ And then click ‘edit with elementor’ And now you will go into this editing section.


Now let’s say you want to change this text. All you have to do is, Just select the text And then enter your want Now in the same way You can edit any text you want on this page Just select the text And then start typing. Now let’s say you want to change his image To change the image All you have to do is Just click here And click here Now drag and drop an image from your computer As you can see the image has been changed Now in the same way you can change any image on your site Once you’ve done that Just click ‘update’


And all the changes will be saved So now if we go back to our site And click ‘refresh’ You can see that all our changes have been applied Okay! Now what if you want to add a logo for your site, So to add a logo Lets go to our dashboard And go to themes options Then click ‘logos & favicon’ here you will see the logo option Now to add your logo Just click ‘upload’ And then drag and drop your logo here And it’ll be added Now if we click ‘save’ And then go back to our website And click ‘refresh’ You can see that


we have now got our logo. So this is how you can edit the contents of your website Okay! Now, here you can see that our website address ends with Now instead of this, what if you want your website to have a simple address like ‘’ (which looks more professional). You can do that by getting your OWN domain name for your site.


So Next, let’s see how you can get your own domain name for your (real estate) website. To get your domain name Just go to the video which you’re watching right now And then click this link, in the description. And this will take you to Webspacekit where you can buy your domain. Now here, enter any name that you want for your website, I’m going to enter ‘speedymakers.


com’ Now if you click search, You can see that, this domain name is available, So once you find a name which is available. To get this name for your website, Click ‘purchase’ Then click ‘add to cart’, And now it’ll ask you to select a hosting plan, As we already have hosting for our site on MakeYourWP, Let’s click ‘skip’ And now it will take you to this cart page.


Now here you can see that, we’re getting this domain for 1 year And after 1 year, you can renew your domain, to keep using it. So to get this domain, Let’s fill up these details, Now enter your payment details, and click ‘order now’ You can see that we have successfully made our payment! Now if we click here, You can see that we have got our domain.


Okay! So once you’ve got your domain, Now how do you connect this domain with your website? So next, let’s see how you can connect this domain to our website which we just built So to connect this domain, We’re going to do 2 steps, The first step is to add this domain to your website. So to add the domain, Let’s go to makeyourwp.


com, And then go to domains, now scroll down, And Here, you need to enter the domain name which you purchased. So I’m going to enter ‘’ Once you’ve entered your domain, Let’s go to the final step, Which is to add this IP address to your domain. So to add it, Let’s go to this tab, And then click domains, Now select the domain, which you purchased And then click ‘manage dns’.


Now, next to the ‘A’ record, Here we need to add our IP address which is shown here. So let’s go back to this page, and then copy this IP, Then come back to our domain, And paste the IP address here, And we’re done So let’s click save changes, Now let’s go back to makeyourwp And click ‘connect domain’ And now we’ve successfully connected our new domain name to our website! So let’s check it, Now if we open a new tab, And type our new domain name which is ‘speedymakers.



com’ And press enter, You can see that we’ve got our real estate website which we just created! Now if we go to properties You can see the properties which we added So now, your visitors can just go to your domain name And access your site & view the properties. So this is how you can get your own domain name for your website.


Now we have our complete real estate website. Now in future, let’s say you have got an update to your theme How will you know that? Let’s go to our wordpress dashboard Now go to appearance And click ‘themes’ Here you can see that, new version of your theme is available In the updated version, we will be getting new features on our theme If you want to get the new feature Just click here and a new tab will be opened Now if we go to this tab Here you can purchase the new version of your theme to get the latest updates


Now if you don’t want to update your theme, you can be in the current version Your website will remain the same and all your content will be safe. So that’s it guys, Now you know how you can create a real estate website. Now if you’re ready to make your real estate website, Just click the link below this BLOG And it’ll take you to Make Your WP page where you can launch your site And start building your real estate website.

2 thoughts on “How To Make A Real Estate Website With WordPress (in just 20 min)”

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