How to Use the Zoom Meeting App

We are going to see How to use the Zoom Meeting App So after watching this video You ll be able to have meeting with anyone over the internet using Zoom With zoom you can have up to 100 participants to join meetings for free And it also has a chat option Which lets you chat with your participants Like this In this meeting You can also share your screen like this So that others in the meeting can see it I’m Bryan from Website Learners And let’s start using the Zoom App So in this video

We are going to see How to Join a Zoom Meeting And How to Host a Zoom Meeting First We are going to see How to Join a Zoom Meeting Now if you looking to learn how to a host a Zoom meeting You can skip to this part of the video You can join a Zoom meeting from your computer Or from your mobile First We are going to see How to join a Zoom meeting From your computer Now let’s say You have received an invitation to a Zoom meeting Like this How can you join this meeting? There are two ways to join a meeting The first way is by using the meeting link

Now if you have a meeting link like this To join a meeting All you have to do is Just click on the link And it will take you to this page Where the Zoom App will be downloaded to your computer Now once the download is complete Just click here to open the App Now to join the meeting Just enter your name here And then click ‘Join Meeting’ And now We have joined the meeting But we do not hear the audio Now to listen to the audio of others in the meeting And to be able to talk to others You need to click ‘Join with Computer Audio’

But before we do that It’s a good idea to test if your ‘speaker & microphone’ are working So to test it Just click here And now It will ask you if you hear a ringtone If you hear any sound Press ‘Yes’ Else press ‘No’ (computer ringtone) As I’m hearing the sound now I’m going to press ‘Yes’ Next You need to test your microphone So to test your microphone Bring yourself close to your mic And then speak anything H

ello mic check 1..2..3 (Hello mic check 1..2..3) If you are able to hear your own voice from the computer Then your microphone is working So you can press ‘Yes’ If you want to use a different mic Then click here And select the microphone you want to use Once you hear the playback of your own voice Click ‘Yes’ Now if u click ‘Join’ Your audio settings will be saved And now You can start listening to the meeting by clicking here So let’s click here And now We have successfully joined the meeting Now you can hear the meeting

And also talk to others in the meeting Now to see the participants in the meeting Just click here And you can see all the participants in the meeting And you can also chat with them By clicking here Now you can also mute your audio Or start video By clicking here So now you know How to Join a Zoom Meeting When you get the meeting link Now What if instead of a meeting link You get an invite like this Which has the meeting ID So next Let’s see how to join a Zoom meeting using the meeting ID Now to join the Zoom meeting using a meeting ID

You need a meeting ID And a meeting password like this Once you have these details To join the Zoom meeting Just open your browser And then go to ‘’ And it will take you to this page Now click join a meeting And here You need to enter the meeting ID So let’s go here And then copy this ID And paste it here Now click ‘Join’ And click ‘Open Zoom’ Now it will ask you to enter the meeting password So let’s go back here Copy this password And then paste it here Now if we click ‘Join’

And then click ‘Join with Audio’ You can see that We have successfully joined the meeting With the meeting ID and Password So now you know how you can join Zoom meetings Which has the link and the meeting ID So next let’s go to the second part of this video Where we see How you can Host a Zoom Meeting Now once you host a Zoom meeting You can have a discussion or share your presentation online with anyone To host a meeting First We have to install the Zoom App On our computer So to install the App Just click the link below this video

And it will take you to this page Now click ‘Download’ And the Zoom App will be downloaded on your computer Now to install the App Just click here And the App will be installed And you will get this window Now to host a meeting with zoom We need to first ‘Sign In’ So lets click ‘Sign In’ And then use any of these options to ‘Sign In’ I’m going to use my google account to ‘Sign In’ So let’s click here And then choose your Google Account Now click ‘Create Account’

So to ‘Sign In’ Just click ‘Open Zoom’ And it will take you to this page Okay So now we have successfully signed into Zoom Which means We can now host our meeting Now There are two types of meeting which you can host in Zoom The first is an instant meeting Where you can immediately jump on a meeting with someone And the second one is a scheduled meeting Where you can schedule a meeting in advance First Let’s see how you can start an instant meeting So to start an instant meeting Just click new meeting

And the meeting will start Now once you start the meeting Next You need to invite the participants So to invite others to your meeting Just click here And then click ‘Invite’ Now you will get this window Now to copy the meeting link Just click ‘Copy Invite Link’ And the meeting link will be copied Now to see the link Let’s open a Notepad And then paste the link here You can send this link to the people who you want to invite Through WhatsApp Email Or any chat application And participants can join the meeting

Once they click this link If you want to send this invitation through email You can do that directly in Zoom So to send the invite via email Let’s go to Zoom And then click ‘Email’ Now choose your email provider I’m going to choose Gmail And it will open Gmail with the meeting link Now enter the email addresses of the people Who you want to invite to this meeting So I’m going to enter these emails And click send Okay So now we’ve successfully invited the participants Who need to join this meeting

Now let’s say Your participant receives your email To join your meeting All they have to do is Open the mail And click this link And click ‘Open Zoom’ And as you can see This person now appears on your Zoom screen Here you can see that They are shown as ‘Waiting’ Which means They cannot join the meeting Until you allow them So to allow this person into the meeting Just click ‘Admit’ And now The participant will join the meeting Now if you want your participants to directly join the meeting


Without waiting for you to admit them You can Click here And then uncheck the ‘Waiting Room’ option So now Participants can directly join your meetings Without you having to admit them manually So now If another participant clicks the meeting link They will join your meeting immediately Okay So we’ve now hosted an instant meeting And we have our participants Now let’s say you want to show something on your screen to your participants And you want to share your screen To share your screen All you have to do is

Click ‘Share Screen’ And your screen will be seen here Now click ‘Share’ To let the participants see your screen Now If you’re going to share a video on your screen Make sure you enable these 2 options Before you click ‘Share’ Okay To start sharing your screen Click ‘Share’ And our screen will be visible to our participants So now You can show & present things on your screen And it will be seen by your participants Now if you want to stop sharing your screen Just click ‘Stop Share’

And the screen sharing will be stopped Okay Next Let’s see how you can mute a participant If they are ‘Noisy’ Now let’s say one of the participants has a disturbing sound like this (Noise) Which makes it hard for others to listen to your voice You can mute this participant By going here And then clicking ‘Mute’ And now You & others in the meeting will not hear this sound Now if you want to talk with them again You can allow them to unmute By clicking here So this is how you can host an instant meeting in Zoom

Next Let’s look at the 2nd type of meeting which you can host in zoom Which is called as a ‘ scheduled meeting’ Now if you want to have a meeting at fixed time and date You can schedule a meeting in Zoom So next Let’s see how you can schedule a meeting in Zoom Now to schedule a meeting Just click schedule And then here Enter any topic for your meeting I’m going to say ‘My First Meeting’ Then here You need to enter the date & time When you want the meeting to start So I’m going to select my date

And my time And once you’ve entered these details Just click schedule And now We’ve successfully scheduled our first meeting Now once you’ve scheduled your meeting Next You need to send the meeting invite to its participants So to send the invite Just click here Here You can see all the meetings That you have scheduled Now click here To copy the invite And then to share the invite Let’s go to Gmail And click ‘Compose’ And paste the invitation here Now you can also paste this invitation On any messenger you want

Like WhatsApp And Facebook And once you have added this invitation To send this email Enter the email IDs of the people Who you want to invite And then click ‘Send’ Okay So now we’ve successfully invited the participants To our scheduled meeting Now when the time for the meeting arrives The host which is (You) Needs to open Zoom And then click ‘Start’ To start the meeting And when the participants click the link on their email They will be added to the same meeting So this is how you can conduct a scheduled meeting on Zoom

Now that you know how to use Zoom from your computer Next Let’s go to the final part of this video Where we see How you can use the Zoom App on your Mobile phone So to use the Zoom App on your mobile phone First You need to install the App on your phone So just go to the App Store And then search for ‘Zoom’ Now this is the App we need to install So let’s click ‘Install’ And click ‘Open’ So now we have successfully installed the Zoom application On our mobile phone So once you’ve installed the App

Next We’re going to see How you can join a meeting using the Zoom App On your mobile phone As you know You can join meetings in two ways First is using the meeting link And next is using the meeting ID and password Now if you have the link to the meeting like this Just click the link And it will take you to this page Now click ‘Join meeting’ And the Zoom app will open Now to join the meeting All you have to do is Enter your name And then click ‘OK’ And now we’ve successfully joined the meeting Now tap this button

To join the call with audio And now If you want to turn on your video Just click this And you can turn off the video By clicking this again And now we’ve successfully joined the meeting This is how You can join a meeting from your mobile Using the meeting link Now if you have the meeting ID and password for the meeting like this To join this meeting from your mobile Just go to the Zoom App And click Join a meeting Now here Enter the meeting ID which you’ve received So let’s go back Copy the meeting ID And paste it

And then enter your name Now to join the meeting Just click ‘Join’ Now you need to enter the password So let’s go back here Copy this password Paste it here And click ‘OK’ Now tap this to enable the audio And You can see that We have successfully joined the meeting So this is how you can join the meeting Using the meeting ID, from your mobile phone Now you know how you can join Zoom meetings from your mobile Now what if you want to host a meeting, from your mobile? So next Let’s see how you can host a Zoom meeting from your mobile

So to host a meeting Just go to Zoom App Click ‘Sign In’ Now here You can use any option to sign in I’m going to use my google account Okay So now we’re signed in Now We have 2 options to host a meeting on Zoom Instant meeting And scheduled If you want to host an instant meeting Just tap here And then tap ‘Start’ To start the meeting Now here You can see that Our meeting has started Now to invite participants to this meeting Tap here And press ‘Invite’ And now You can use any of these options here

To share the meeting invite Now let’s say You want to share this invite via a text message Then choose ‘Messages’ And enter the participant name here And click ‘Send’ So now The invite has been successfully sent to this person And now This person can join your meeting Just by clicking the link So this is how You can host an instant meeting on Zoom From your mobile phone Similarly If you want to schedule a meeting You can tap here To schedule your meeting So that’s it guys This is how you can use the Zoom on your mobile phone

And your computer At Website Learners We show you how you can make awesome websites like these Using drag & drop So check out our channel for more simple videos on Web Design And also make sure you Subscribe to Website Learners To get more videos like this one Thanks for watching I’ll see you in the next BLOG Take care Bye Bye

2 thoughts on “How to Use the Zoom Meeting App”

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